Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


Hier ist noch alles möglich / Anything Could Happen Here



A wolf, a man who fell from the sky, traps, a bank robber… Anything could happen here! The plot of the novel takes place in an abandoned factory, where there were reports of a wolf sighting. The nameless female narrator works in the factory as a night watchman, monitors security cameras, goes on patrol night after night, looking for wolf tracks. The phantom wolf becomes the driving force of her action and gives it meaning. However, with each night shift, the search for a wolf is more a search for oneself and a question of boundaries that we determine ourselves.

Published by Archa, 2020


Marta Eich


©Christoph Oeschger

Gianna Molinari (* 1983) is a Swiss novelist. She studied creative writing at the Swiss Literary Institute in Biel and, later, modern German literature at the University of Lausanne. She lives in Zurich, where, among other things, she was at the birth of the art group Literature for World Events, whose aim is helping refugees by means of writing literary texts. The book Anything Could Happen Here (2018) is her novel debut.



by Františka Bakošová.

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